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C My Lumch

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I had so many options for lunch today. Caitlin was nice enough to remind me that i can eat more than just cookies today. She was definitely right. I had so many options: cashews, clam chowder and more.

While I find that the diet can be constraining, it’s also fun to have some guidelines each day on what to eat.

What did I settle on? A bowl of chilli and a bottle of cane soda:

Category: C

C’ing my way through the third day

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I had a crazy dream last night. It was that I’m running through the city and it’s my ‘D’ day. I can’t find any duck or dumplings, I’m panicking and don’t know what to do. It’s all so horrible.

I woke up abruptly all disheveled. Luckily for me I come to my senses and realize that it was all a dream. Today isn’t a ‘D’ day but rather my ‘C’ day. Whew. I got up and made myself a bowl of cereal and relaxed.

All is well again in the world. That is until tomorrow when I’m in NYC and actually trying to find some dumplings.

Category: C

The B’s are Beautiful

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A bagels for breakfast, a lovely burrito for lunch, and it’s clear that the B’s are going to be a breeze.  Most places have something good with B on the menu.

I’ve also decided the “beer” is too generic and there are different types of beers like Lager, Porter, Hefewizen, etc. This will also make the diet as a whole more enjoyable 🙂

Any good suggestions of what to make for dinner?

Category: B

Antipasti saves my lunch

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There i was standing in downtown Boulder on Pearl St. and was struggling to find a suitable lunch for myself.  I needed something that started with ‘A’.  I had a spare apple in my jacket pocket as a safety net, but i was hoping to not go there as an apple was all i had for breakfast.  Luckily, Toby was there for me with genius idea of antipasti.

We found a local pizza joint who serves it.  Having never really dabbled in the “heathly” foods much, i was too familiar with Antipasti but i was pleasantly surprised to find that it was swimming with meats and flavor.   Thank you Toby and thank you antipasti.  One more meal left and then done with the A’s

Category: A

Here’s the plan for ‘X’ Day

A lot of people are asking me, “what are you going to do on the ‘X’ day?”  Here’s the plan:

In my mind, the ‘X’ is a wildcard day.  Anything goes.  It’s a nice reprieve from the program. Plus, there’s no way there’s enough food to have this as a real day.   X also coincides with the 24th of December.  My plan is to do the ‘X’ day for 2 days and have it over the 24th and 25th when i’m enjoying the holidays.

Now I know why some people call is “X-Mas”

Category: X

Need Help on the A’s

I’m putting together a list of options for me to eat and i’m already dreading the A’s.  The list I’ve started is here.  Check it out and let me know if you know of any good dishes for A’s

Category: A, Thoughts

Preparation Phase

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I’m getting ready for this Alphabet Diet.  Right now i’m just thinking of different dishes I can do.  The A’s seem tough as do the I’s.  I’ll be posted a full list of what i’ve got. I could use your thoughts

Category: Thoughts